Selena’s Story

Hey Y’all, I wanted to share my Testimony:

My parents split up when I was 2. I don’t remember my parents being together at all. My mom was a single momma for a few years, but also was in numerous relationships with men that should not have been father figures in my life. There was alot of abuse and trauma, that went on, and my little Selena Self was trying so hard to understand how to be loved and cherished.

I have always had this childlike excitement inside of me. I have always seen the cup half full, and trust people way too fast. I see the best in poeple, and wanted so deeply to have a healthy home life and family. Looking back now, God graced me with the gift of joy from a young age.

We didn’t have a lot of money, and although our physical needs were met, my emotional needs were left unattended to. And this went on for many years. My biological father was in and out of jail, on and off the streets and addicted to crack. Jesus was not apart of my home until my teen years.

I was so broken, lost, and sad from all of the rejection. I so wanted to just be seen and cherished. I remember the moment I felt the holy spiritual touch me at a Christian camp I went to. During campfire worship I just wept and wept, learning about a Father who loved me and CHOSE ME. I wept for all of the times I was not chosen. And my needs were not met.

My mom remarried and we started to go to church as a blended family. In this enviornment in my home, they expressed God to us in the best way that they could, but it was a lot of rules, and not the God that has shown up for me at camp. Our family was still messy, and learning, and I went into years of rebellion.

Fast forward a few years and I had my first son at 18 years old. I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, I had ruined my relationship with my family, and almost all of my friends. This child changed my entire life. Becoming a mom, although I was in an unhealthy relationship, I knew I wanted to be a good mom. I knew I wanted to walk in Gods will for my life. So I went back to church when Seth was 2.

This time it was for me. I was lost, broken, and I had tried everything on my own to fix my heart and wounds and none of it had worked. I was stuck in generational curses, and was in the traumatic loop we had not yet learned to step out of yet. I had dabbled in witchcraft, saw mediums, and had tried every possible thing to feel better. To cope.

God met me He healed me from addiction, delivered me from my own sins and the sins of my family that were passed down to me. Because of Him I am a mother, a wife, a homeschooling mom, a business owner, and we are in ministry as a family. God redeems. He takes what was once your pain and it makes it your purpose. Our family is thriving, and breaking off generational curses and stepping into the fullness of God every single day. Never perfect, but always looking to the one who is

I wanted to share this so that if anyone felt too far to be gone- you are never too far. If it’s not good- He’s not done yet.