Our Podcast

Belong & Become: A Journey with Jesus

When you make the decision to walk the path alongside Jesus, an incredible realization dawns upon you - you belong. No more feeling like an outsider or trying to fit into societal molds that were never meant for you. By embracing the love and grace of Jesus, you discover an unshakeable sense of belonging, knowing that you are always welcomed in His kingdom.
But it doesn't stop there. Belonging is just the beginning. As you deepen your relationship with Jesus, His teachings become your guide, shaping and transforming you from the inside out. The desire to become a child of His who wholeheartedly obeys His word takes hold of your soul.

Join Zara and Amy as they take you on their journey with Jesus!

Meet the hosts

  • Zara

    Hey everyone! My name is Zara, I’m 20 years old, and I’m from Calgary, Alberta!

    I’ve been a Christian ever since I was a kid, but one thing I’ve learned is that faith isn’t faith until you truly make it your own. As I reached the end of my teenage years and entered into young adulthood, God really took a strong hold on my life, uprooting what I once believed about Him and setting me back on His solid ground. Through setbacks, trials and many many VICTORIES, God showed me what it really looks like to live a life that is set out for HIM. The mercy of my God has met me on the mountain tops and in the valleys.

    Through receiving the blessing of a God-fearing community, I have grown my LOVE for Christ, challenged my faith, been enabled to live out my spiritual gifts, and received a passion in me for leadership in youth/young adults ministry. This is ALL thanks to the awesomeness of the Lord.

    My desire now is to follow God as an obedient and effective servant, and to take as many people as I can along this journey with me! I believe that this podcast will be able to achieve exactly that.

  • Amy Rose

    Hey everyone! My name is is Amy Rose, I’m 20 years old, and I was born and raised in Chilliwack, BC!

    Since I was a little girl, my heart has been captivated by the Goodness of our God. However, it wasn't until I turned 16 that my relationship with Jesus truly flourished. Growing older, God placed me in an enriching church community that propelled my spiritual growth. As I embarked on this journey, my hunger to know God deepened immeasurably. My sole purpose and undying passion lie in sharing the boundless love and teachings of my best friend, Jesus, with everyone I encounter.

    I have always wanted to work in ministry and never knew where to start. Recently God has really opened my heart by telling me “Use what I have already given you.” My longing to grow and live by Gods word after all He has done for me grows everyday, that’s why I believe this podcast will truly touch so many of you.