Andrew’s story

Hello, my name is Andrew, and I want to share my journey with Jesus, a path that was marked by struggles, depression, and self-destructive behavior. Around four years ago, I lived in Vancouver, and I hit rock bottom, battling drug abuse and indulging in vices. It was during this dark period that I made a terrible decision to drink and use substances, ultimately attempting to drive in that condition. I couldn't see straight, but something miraculous happened as I drove home – it felt as if my car was guided and placed safely in the parking stall.

In that moment, I cried out to God, pleading for help, asking if He was real, and begging Him to relieve me of the pain and sadness that had consumed me. A few months later, my life took an unexpected turn when my parents separated, and I found myself in Chilliwack. It was there that I crossed paths with Samuel, a dear friend and co-worker, who introduced me to Southside Church, the congregation I now call home.

Through Southside Church and the wonderful people who attend, my connection to Jesus was rekindled, and a fire was ignited within me. As an adult, I experienced my first baptism, an incredibly meaningful moment in my faith journey. Today, I love Jesus with all my heart, and I am grateful for the ongoing journey I am on.

I'm also proud to support my dear friend Amy and her amazing clothing company. It's a testament to the positive changes that have taken place in my life through my faith in Jesus. Thank you for allowing me to share my story with all of you.